what we offer

Tutoring is structured around your needs and desires, in either individual or group settings. Always relevant, always up-to-date, and always tailored, you can't go wrong with either structure.



Our bread and butter (and favorite), individual tutoring is just that: individualized. We will assess current writing and/or reading levels, take note of current assignments and struggles, and tailor each session to encourage students' strengths and improve areas of weakness. Whether your student is below, at, or above grade level, we believe everyone should aim high to be the best thinker and communicator possible. Schedule your consultation today!



Age-alike groups of six-to-ten students may opt for a writing or reading intensive: five days of fast-paced strategy learning and implementation with feedback throughout each session. Students will see a marked improvement in execution of writing or reading tasks, all with less stress and greater confidence. Contact us for details on assembling age-alike students and scheduling information.